




I draw Japanese paintings using painting materials such as rock paint, ink, and glue on the theme of the similarity between the human body and the city and the connection with others.

 The figure is one of the longest and most drawn motifs in the history of both Western and Asian paintings. Among the portraits, there are various subjects such as portraits and customs. By watching the portraits, we can know and notice other cultures’ activities, the feelings and beliefs of others through the portraits. Because there is such a possibility in the figure, I draw a picture with a person as a motif.

One day, when I was looking at a bird’s-eye view of the city at night, I noticed that the human body was similar to the city.
Each building and tree that you usually feel is very small and cell-like, and the night road illuminated by red-yellow light is like a blood vessel that goes to the whole city and to another city. I felt that the formed “town” resembles the human body.

I express the emotions, activities, and connections of a person by overlaying the scene with the person.